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Train yourself to slow down your brain and find the details

Human brain is an amazing thing with amazing features installed. We are not that much aware of how fast it processes data that it receives from enormous number of sensors. It starts processing since we were in the womb of our mother and continues to do so until we die (well that’s how far we know).

But today, I would like to tell you about something else. Information that you gather in websites comes from different sources. Maybe it’s from a science research, or from someone guessing something etc. So please be noted that the following information that you are about to read is not collected from a research, it is just what I found helpful from my life experiences.

Think Slow and find the fastest way or the optimal one.

In movies you might have seen, I just can’t remember some names to refer you now, but you might have seen people going ultra-slow that they see everything clearly, in detail, some kind of super-natural power. They can move so fast even before an eye-blink which is in reverse what I want to say. Our brain and our sensors can work so fast that it misses a lot of tiny data, actually it misses nothing, but we can’t notice it because we are thinking fast. For example, think about the steps our brain takes when someone asks us something. Consider, the following conversation:

1: Add two numbers.
2: What are they?
1: Four and Five
2: Its nine.

Well, it can be shorter. Like the following

1: Add Four and Five
2: Nine

But the steps, more precisely involves the following

1: Add two numbers
2: What are they?
1: Four
2: Ok, next?
1: Five
2: Ok
2: Adding Four and Five.
2: It’s Nine

These steps can be more, I have no idea how we receive and process data, I am not researching on it. But my point is that if you can analyze what you receive more slowly, you will obviously find more evidence or detailed data.

In our life, we think that if we can think faster, we will think more than other. But actually, what I found in my short life, if I think faster, I miss a lot of details. I found, when I think slowly and try to capture detail and analyze it, it always helps me to find the exact Point of the Problem, and required solution.

Though this discussion was for all, the following paragraph is targeted to people new to programming who might practicing problem solving.
Whenever you are reading or receiving a problem, try to think very slowly to analyze every piece of information that you received and you will be amazed to see that you can now relate one or more pieces to other one or more pieces of data. It is very much required to break down information into fragments, and you will notice that now you can find relations that exists among various fragments, so you can now group those fragments into a class and by studying the nature of resulting objects, you can define methods for them to work on them.

Well, thinking slow will help you to analyze detailed data and will help you generate better information. It is not like you will stop thinking faster. Well, it’s like the story “Once a man was given an axe and was asked to cut down tree in 6 hours. The man, didn’t start cutting. Rather he started to sharpen the axe and continued to do this for 4 hours and later worked for an hour only on the tree with his very sharp axe.”


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