As I said (and tried to explain) in my last post that Fate Is Fixed, a question should arise that what to do next? If every single moment is previously defined and will be executed with no exception then should I really do anything at all?
Well, I will say that it will depend on your fate. If you are not doing anything, then it is written that way, if you are doing anything then its still written that way. This finally states my previous statement, fate is fixed. You have no control on it. If you are planned to leave this page right now, then I can't stop you by implementing the best of the best marketing or user engagement strategies. No, there is no way. You will be doing whatsoever you were planned to do.
But wait?
You do not know what you will do also mean that you can choose to do whatever you want. Good things, bad things, anything. Remember that you will only be doing it if you were planned to do so. If you are planning to do something, you were planned to do this planning also.
This is where all your knowledge, your ethics, your values should take part in and that's because, you are totally restricted to a plan and you are unknown of the plan gives you the ultimate freedom to do anything. Now it is you turn, do something good or do something bad or anything in between.
No one is going to stop you from doing it if it was planned that way, if you face obstacles then try to overcome them, if you overcome the obstacles then you were supposed to overcome them and vice-versa.
Now move on to life, no matter how big the plan is, no matter how difficult it would be to implement it, just start implementing it. Always pray to God to be with you and give you the strength to do the right thing and stop you from doing the wrong thing. Next morning, thanks God for giving you another day to do one or more right things towards your plan. Don't fear the failure, it will eventually happen if it was supposed to happen but as long as you don't face the failure keep moving on.
In the comment below tell me what are your big dreams that never you thought of implementing just because of the fear of failure. This would be a step toward your goal because you will just bring out the plan from your head (or heart) to at least one person in the world and will automatically help you to go through the dream once again.
Cheers to Life.
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